Thanks for your interest in collaborating with us.
At last count, on average we receive more than ten requests a day for collabs. It can be impossible to respond to every single enquiry while managing our manufacturing, filling orders, providing customer support and much more.
In the early days we worked with a small handful of influencers, but nine times out of ten we never heard from them again. We no longer offer collabs, except with those whom we already have a relationship with or in rare circumstances.
We prefer our product to stand on its own, and uphold its reputation based on its own merit. We don't believe in paid or sponsored reviews, and we certainly don't want to control what is said or shown in reviews.

We are also a tiny company - literally just a husband and wife team, so we simply can't afford to be sending our products out in the hope we get some exposure from a review. Our product is now well established in the market, and at times, our demand is so high that any further exposure could just lead to periods of stock shortages.
So our advice to you if you're looking to work with us ...
Join our generous Affiliate Program, which will provide you with your own unique referral code where you earn for every single rig sold as a result of your content.
Then use code BESTRIG for a discount to purchase your desired product on our website. Make content and be sure to include your referral link, and you'll recover your purchase costs in no time at all, and continue to earn for the lifetime of your content.
We'll likely even feature and promote your content to help spread the word!
Thanks again for your interest!